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Students from schools in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, and EspaƱola wrote the following about "Breaking the Silence":

"I now think mental illness is not something to be overcome with just sheer willpower."

"I learned that I am depressed and should look for help starting with my mom who I never believed when she said this."

"I didn't know mental illness was a sickness like cancer or diabetes."
"It taught me how to help people with mental illness."

"I learned what mental illness is."

"This changed my view about mental illness."

"I thought that they were just weak... but I figured out that was wrong."

"Mental illness is not easy to identify but it is no threat and doesn't change your personal values."

"It is much more common than I thought and anybody can get it."

"It's a hard life for them and a way to help them is show you care and be there for them."

"They aren't psycho or crazy."

"That they are like anyone else... They need someone to talk to."

"That if I have a friend with mental illness to listen to them because it really helps them."

"This helped me because I know someone I can help now."

"Help exists. I think I need it."

"We are all people."